Ebony  Tenderloin

Ebony Tenderloin

525 QAR

Premium Black Angus MB 2-3

Frozen , Grain fed
Price per pack (2,5 kg)
- 1 +

Ebony Black Angus is proudly brought to you by Kilcoy Pastoral Company, a name respected for delivering premium quality, grain-fed beef to the world. Produced from carefully selected prime quality Black Angus Cattle – one of the oldest standing breeds of cattle – and grain finished for 100 days, Ebony Black Angus delivers a juicy, tender, and flavorsome experience, with high marbling throughout to ensure premium eating quality.

  • Country: Australia
  • Independently Verified and Certified
  • No Added Hormones
  • Free from Antibiotics
  • Healthy
  • Halal Accredited

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